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Last updated 6-8-13




End Times

"I do not think that the wide circle of the Christian community and the world society realizes that we are facing the final confrontation between the church and the anti church and the antichrist.  This confrontation lies within the will of Divine Providence and is therefore in God's plan.  It is a challenge which the church must take up courageously.  How many times has the renewal of the church sprung from the shedding of blood, this time it will not be any different."  Bishop Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul 11)

Jesus reproached the people of his time for being able to read the signs of the weather but not being able to read the signs of the times.  This means that He wants us to understand the times we live in and their significance in terms of what God is doing in the world and in the Church.  The Old testament is filled with Priests Prophets Judges Kings who God used to communicate His word, desires, will, messages if you will to His people, His children.  He didn’t just give them commandments and let them go, assuming they now knew His will and had everything they needed and could now apply it to every circumstance so that they never needed to hear from Him again. 

When Jesus came and established His Church He formed the Apostles to carry on His doctrine giving Peter the office of Pope and the character of infallibility to preserve His teachings so that every time and place could know His doctrine, sealing His Church to last until the end of time.  St. Paul tells us that aside from the Apostolic ministry and the presbyteral ministry there are gifts given to many people for the good of the church and he lists prophets as one of them, saying it is the highest of these charismatic gifts, meaning they are charisms freely given by the Holy Spirit and not gifts that are part and parcel of the ordained ministry.  The entire book of revelation is a prophetic one and is called revelation because God Himself revealed these things to the Apostle St. John.  It speaks of the end times and therefore proves that God Himself desired us to understand the end times and to be able to read the signs of the times.  All these things being true it is only natural that when these times near God would raise up prophets to give messages to His people, His children to help them understand the times they are in so as to be spiritually prepared for them as a truly loving Father would do, right? 

Some people may ask why these aren’t coming from the heirarchy or at least priests, wouldn’t they know, wouldn’t it make more sense to use them, wouldn’t the people be convinced easier, wouldn’t it be more proper to their vocation seeing as they already have the pulpit to preach from and the audience of the Church?  Good question.  But let us remember that St. Paul tells us that we are one body and that all parts have their place and are important and that God made it so on purpose for unity and charity.  Let us also remember that scripture tells of the great apostasy and these being the end times means we are in the time of the great apostasy and that it extends to the priesthood as well as the lay people.  How many priests do you know that are willing to talk about the end times, how many times have you heard a homily on it?  Therefore it is not hard to understand the need for God to raise up lay people to become today’s prophets and teach them His ways of holiness through union with God and have them call His children back to Himself through private revelation. 

Jesus told St. Faustina, “Before I come as the just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort: 

All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day.” (Diary, 83).

This is the warning before the great chastisement, the warning being His mercy and the chastisement being His justice as the just Judge.  Until the chastisement it is still the time of His mercy and so there is still time to give ourselves entirely to Him, not a lot of time, but still time. 

We started these updates to the site and our newest newsletter about a month ago, well before the news of Pope Benedict’s announcement of impending resignation, experiencing in our spirits that it was time to do so.  And when we heard of it I had the thought about Conchita from Garabandal and her prophecy about how many Popes were left before the end of times.  It is interesting because it is often misreported but there is an official account of it because her aunt, who was present, wrote down the conversation Conchita had with her mother about it when Pope John the 23rd died.  Conchita said there would now be only three more popes and then it would be the end of times(meaning the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.)  Then she said the Blessed Virgin told her it was actually four more popes but that one was of such a short duration that she wasn’t counting him.  We can assume this was Pope John Paul 1 as his reign lasted only 33 days.  This means that the end of Pope Benedict’s reign signals the end of this era and the beginning of a new era and that this is now so very soon.  The details were originally in Spanish and I could not get an literal translation of it in english but the original text is on this site in the comments section by a Jesus Aguilar.  I know enough spanish to have understood these details and the google translate was awful or I would have used it instead.

We are told certain thing will occur during this time.

  • Father tells Barbara Centilli that the Church will seem about to disappear at one point.
  • All of the secrets of Medjugorje and other places of apparitions will unfold.  The Medjugorje visionarries will announce the secrets 3 days ahead of the day the will occur after having told their respective priests a week prior to the announcement and having fasted with them for a week.
  • Prophecies of Garabandal say there will be a worldwide persecution of Christians and that the Pope will go into hiding, and that during this time the warning will occur.
  • Christina Gallagher tells us that there will be a literal darkness and then the illumination will occur and then the devil and all the demons will be bound and cast into a pit by St Michael.  This corresponds with St. Faustina’s vision. 
  • Within a year of the warning, according to Garabandal, the great miracle will occur and a permanent sign will be left at the pines in Garabandal that will testify to the authenticity of the apparitions there.  It will happen on a thursday in the months of March, April or May between the 8th and the 16th at 8:30 pm Spain time.  The permanent sign will be visible and can be photographed but not touched. 

Ye Olde Ende Tymes

Be Not Afraid

Gm Uh-Oh